February 8, 2011

Napier's Bones By Derryl Murphy Review

By Derryl Murphy
ChiZine Press
ISBN: 978-1926851099
Review by: Dana Bell
Review posted 02/8/2011

Numbers. It's all about numbers and they're effect on each of our lives. People, nature, living creatures live and die by them. They're everywhere and those who invented them haunt us day in and day out.

So is the tale of Dom. He wanders in from the desert and begins a quest with a shadow named Billy and a young woman named Jenna. They travel the US and other places do discover the secrets and wrestle them away from the ancients. They meet those who have gone before, speak with them, and discover the doorways to new equations and possibilities.

Along the way there is good every day events. Visiting the ATM, eating food, staying in hotels and a love angle that never happens despite the characters attachment to each other and an intangible enemy who doesn't seem very threatening or even dangerous. There's even a brief encounter with an ex priest discussing theology.

Mostly it is a story of a journey not just physically but also into the discovery of numbers and their uses. The pair unlocks the mysteries and steps into a realm most in their profession could only dream about.

Well written in an almost mystical way with numbers being a type of magic that can be wielded and used.

Suggested for an audience that understands mathematics and the references to them which are lost to the general reader. Also not for those who are offended by swear words, puck or references to the male anatomy.