February 13, 2012

Placenta of Love by Spike Marlowe Review

By Spike Marlowe
Eraserhead Press
ISBN: 978-1621050033
Review by: Terry Morgan
Review posted 2/13/2012

I have gone to several amusement parks in my time. Perhaps, I'm dating myself here. However, I don't recall going to one that is as strange as the one depicted in Placenta of Love on Venus.

The story handles Captain Carl an automated pirate robot. He is in charge of the pirate ship display at the amusement park. There are also many other rides that are for fun, some beaten down and some even for sexual pleasure. Most are with automated robots to serve the needs of customers coming in.

Captain Carl though wants to be like his creator, basically create things. He has a partner every so often in a very sexually frustrated feline who is also automated named, Jiji. Strange as it may seem, the two of them can think and at times Captain Carl tries to satisfy the cat's so called needs.

The story doesn't stop there. The Captain is lonely and discovers that he wants to help the automated ship to become his companion. So while on one of his adventures through the park he comes across a secret area and steals one of the placentas. He puts what will be his companion in there. He names her Helen. Now what happens after this is one Hell of an adventure.

It is said that parks are fun and their rides are there for our enjoyment. This book is certainly different, but focuses in its strangeness the heart and feelings of one automated being, Captain Carl and how just to find someone to love he goes through everything possibly thought of and Marlowe has thought of a lot.

With this story you will take the ride of your life. Whether or not you will end up with a season pass or with a one- time shot is up to you. Enjoy it while you can.