January 14, 2011

The Sherlockian by Graham Moore Review

by: Graham Moore
Twelve Press
ISBN: 978-044657259
Review posted 01/14/2011

The Sherlockian tells the tale of Harold White a Sherlock Holmes obsessed fan who finally gets into one of the most elite Sherlock Holmes groups. A member of this group has the last part of Arthur Conan Doyle's diary, the author of Sherlock Holmes. He ends up being murdered and Harold starts to investigate the same way Sherlock Holmes would do and he takes along a reporter who ends up playing his 'Watson.' Funded by a relative who wants nothing more than the diary itself, they start a wild adventure.

During the time that Harold is going on in his present dealings of 2010, you get glimpses into Arthur Conan Doyle as he struggles with his fame based on Sherlock Holmes and ends up solving a murder himself taking the tactics from his stories to help find the killer.

What was most enjoyable about The Sherlockian, is that even though the chapters skipped back and forth between Harold and Doyle, you were never lost. It was interesting to see what a diary would cause in a group that was so wrapped up in an author's character and to be able to see Doyle and his mission to destroy his beloved character and ending up using him to solve a murder.

With delightful characters and a setting that makes you feel you are in a Sherlock Holmes tale, you will want to cherish this story, get involved in the mystery and want to investigate along with the characters.